Today an unexploded bomb from the Second World War was successfully disarmed at around 2:40 pm in the district of Oberhausen-Holten, Germany, close to the Oxea production facilities. The 1,000 kg bomb from the Second World War was discovered on Friday last week. Authorities established an evacuation zone of 1,500 meters around the area where the bomb was found. During the period in which the bomb was being disarmed, no people were allowed within this zone. This also affected the Oxea production site in Oberhausen.

For this reason, the entire Oxea Ruhrchemie production site was evacuated on Wednesday until the bomb was safely disarmed. The production facilities were shut down in an orderly fashion to a safe state with employees from production and engineering gathered behind the security fence. After the all-clear signal they quickly returned to their jobs and started up the production facilities.

„The cooperation with the city of Oberhausen and respective authorities has been very positive. And our employees supported the smooth running of events with their exemplary organization,” said Oxea’s Director for Production and Technology Dr. Georg Dämbkes shortly after the all-clear signal. „We were able to ensure the safety of all persons on the site and started up the plants as quickly as possible,“ he added.

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